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Onchain Affiliates

Register . Cast . Earn

Join our affiliate program to earn ETH on referred mints & points on cast engagements.  

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Unlock Your Influence & Monetize Your Engagement


No paperwork or forms, simply connect your Ethereum based wallet to register. 


Our affiliate mint frame is deployed & ready to go, all you need to do is cast!


Earn ETH commissions from referred mints & points for affiliate frame engagement 

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Phase 1


We will launch our Affiliate Frame & Points System with our first project - our Based Gloomers Collection

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Phase 2

Feature Add-Ons

We will be collecting data from our program and adding in features such as a mint bot to let affiliates know thier Affiliate Frame has received a mint

Phase 3


We will begin to onboard other projects / creators who would like to utilize our Affiliate Frame & Points System to launch their projects or boost their engagement

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Phase 4


We will begin to integrate other social platforms into our program so you can share & earn on other popular social media platforms

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